What is laughter?


A person starts laughing at 3 months of age and goes on laughing all their life. There are many reasons to laugh. But what is laughter, what really makes people laugh?

Laughter as a defense mechanism

Laughter helps to release an excess of positive emotions. This was confirmed by an analysis of the website sikkimhub.com – people who are in love, are in tune with themselves, often laugh without reason. They just need to get rid of the accumulated positive.

People who are depressed, depressed or close to depression find it difficult to squeeze out a weak smile, even if there is a reason to laugh.

Other scientists believe that laughter is necessary to release not only positive but also negative emotions. There is a reason there is such a thing as nervous laughter. This method of dealing with stress has been known since ancient times.

Laughter is a universal way of communicating. People rarely laugh when they are alone, usually in company. Laughing together is a great way to build relationships, to make people feel good about themselves.

Laughter prolongs life

This clichéd truth is heard by many, but few take it seriously. But laughter really does help improve health. There is even a special science – helotology. Its creator, Norman Cousins, suffered from a severe joint disorder. The chances of recovery were slim.

So Norman decided to test his own method of treatment using positive emotions. After 10 minutes of unrestrained laughter Norman’s joint discomfort disappeared for 2 hours without taking any medication. After a few months, Cousins was able to get rid of the disease completely.

Health benefits of laughter:

Laughter helps eliminate the negative effects of shallow breathing, as most people do not breathe deeply enough. When a person laughs, they inhale a lot of oxygen and then exhale vigorously. This helps to develop the lungs.

How Laughter Works

Laughter is an innate ability

Laughter is as innate as crying, sneezing, and coughing. However, many people lose this ability as they get older. The main reason is the environment. People subconsciously adopt features of behaviour of people around them. The second reason is complexes and insecurity.

As a result, laughter becomes thin and stiff, and some people start grunting when they laugh. Laughing loudly and from the heart is a real talent.

Is it possible to learn how to laugh properly?

A woman’s beautiful laughter attracts men no less than her face, figure or clothes. Laughter activates the neurons in the brain that are responsible for the perception of beauty.

To learn how to laugh, you need to do a simple breathing exercise:

  1. In a standing or sitting position, place your hands on your stomach. Breathe only with your belly, palms up and down your belly as you breathe in and out.
  2. When standing, lower your arms and bend forward. Breathe in deeply. Straighten up, raise your arms and exhale 6-8 big and shallow breaths.
  3. Standing, put palms under chin, elbows apart. Breathe in deeply, then exhale and raise your arms up quickly, laughing out loud five to ten times.
  4. As you exhale push abdominal muscles forward. Keeping the muscles in tension, wish for short, sharp exhalations, pronounce long “a” sound.

The first school of laughter opened in Milan in 1909. The school taught pupils the different types of laughter. There was always a large number of people wishing to attend this school.